Felt(noun) a cloth or stuff made of matted fibers of wool, or wool and fur, fulled or wrought into a compact substance by rolling and pressure, with lees or size, without spinning or weaving

Webster Dictionary


Only dolls or works of art?

Creating felted dolls is an art. The protagonists of the site have taken "life" from a malleable wire frame that gives them the ability to sit in any position. Their naturalness has been achieved by combining dozens of top quality wool shades. Almost every exhibit has one or more of its own accessories, accessories made mostly of wrought wool.

Hi, I'm Claudia Cilibia.

I am from Romania and although my main occupation is from the field of exact sciences, I have other hobbies. I like to wander the mountains or just spend a summer afternoon on the seashore. I like to draw, model and to make dolls from felted wool.

Welcome, stranger, in my doll world, I hope you like it here and you will come back again!

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